Flying cellular unit I

Cardboard, neon, collage
Variable dimensions

I Sotterranei dell’Arte
Antico Monastero delle Agostiniane
Monte Carasso, Switzerland
With Martina Jacoma, Ana Roldan, Sophie Toulouse
Curated by Boris Magrini
Davide Cascio revisits utopian architecture as an image of the human being and as a metaphor of his or her transformation. His artistic work draws on history and philosophy, from sacred texts and literature, but also from the visual arts and the cinema. From these sources, the artist extracts the fragments he needs to make a work capable of reflecting the dreams, obsessions and hope of a society. As a rule, Davide Cascio uses the simple materials normally used for architectural models, such as card, wood and neon, to create allegorical installations on the borderline between independent works and design concepts. In particular, the artist is interested in the reproduction of intimate, closed spaces that have the power to conjure up unique and highly introspective universes. For Davide Cascio, town-planning and architecture form a bridge between the world of the senses and the universe of the mind, but also between individuals and society, and between the history of humanity and its destiny. A humanist artist, Davide Cascio sees in our cultural heritage the roots, observations and instruc- tions for perfect progress. If architecture and town planning are constant elements in his work, it is because they constitute a metaphor of humankind working towards its own future. These dis- ciplines also create areas of intercession between the private sphere and the public domain, between the individual and the community, making their mark on human relationships and on the evolution of society. The artist suggests that humanity cannot transcend its own destiny: rather, it needs to reconsider it all the time.
Boris Magrini

Il Miracolo della neve
circa 1428
Museo e Gallerie Nazionali di Capodimonte, Napoli

Flying cellular unit
collage on mdf
70 x 100 cm